Email this powerful message to everyone, including those who support Obama.
I am not a Democrat nor a Republican, I was recently one of those” undecided voters”, but after exhaustive research, I’m relieved that I’m no longer undecided. What I have discovered shook me up. How come I didn’t hear these things from the media?
If you are reasonable, open minded, please take 8 minutes to read this, will save you much time sifting through conflicting info.
In the beginning, I felt Obama sounded good and I had reservation about McCain.
I wanted hard facts, not just feel good, because some people can be big talkers.
I am sick of last 8 years, I honesty want change, but need assurance it’s change for better!
Can you promise not to jump to defend or argue?
Four years ago, he admitted he was not ready for the job, but what has he accomplished in 4 years that qualified him. I was surprised that On Feb19, 2008, Chris Matthew of Hardball interviewed Obama supportor, Senator Kirk Watson, and asked twice,” Can you name one accomplishment of Sen. Obama in the
Compare the resumes, he has far less executive experience than Gov. Palin!
I got ask myself, we are faced with the worst crises, would I hire him with no executive experience, never fixed any problem to be the CEO of my company which is in a financial storm? Nope! That would be audacity of insanity! It’s like asking a new electrician to fix a huge blackout after a Hurricane!
I have asked at least a dozen of my pro- Obama friends,” What has he done which caused you to believe he will bring good change? Not 1 could name 1 thing! That bothers me more! Are they a bunch of robots who’s been mesmerized by a smooth talking personality?
The best is,” He promised to cut tax for…” I remember
Honestly, I am not sure McCain has the know how to fix our mess, but Obama has even less experience. Quickly, as to who was to blame for this Credit Crises, I think both parties. share the blame, but if you will watch this video of the 2004 Senate hearing to investigate Fannie Mae & Freddie , you will be SHOCKED that it was the Democrats who blocked reform.
Surprise #2. Sen. Obama’s radical and alliance with dozens of extremists and racists
Willian Ayer was just the tip of iceberg. McCain nor the media has not touched on 95% of them, but I found them googling,” Obama's communist friends.” Obama had at least four mentors, all share a common socialist or communist ideology. They are Frank Marshall Davis, Rev. Jeremiah Wright (a racist Rev. who hated White America), Father Michael Pfleger (another radical left racist) , Professor John L. Mcknight of Harvard . You could learn much about a man by his mentors!
Obama in his book mentioned his first mentor, by “Frank” who guided him in his decisions. If such a person who was like a “father” to him, shouldn’t he mention his FULL name? But if it’s easy to prove that Frank Marshall Davis was a known member of the Communist Party,
See http://www.aim.org/aim-report/media-abet-communist-cover-up/
Don’t take my word for it, but Google all these issues yourself.
The media did not report to us that Obama campaigned for his communist cousin for President of Kenya 2 years ago. Here’s 2 minute proof:
"Barack Obama and Raila Odinga –this extremist instigated mass murders after he narrowly lost
Surprise #3. Obama sat under his second mentor, America-hating Rev. Wright for 20 years!
How could a man not be influenced? Obama, in his book, said he decided to join Trinity Church of Christ, BECAUSE of its ideology. He HAD to know something about its radical Anti-American beliefs. After hearing over 1000 sermons, how could he give the following lame reply, after Wright’s hate sermons were exposed, “ I never heard such teachings…” Oprah joined this same church but left after 2 years? Why would a man tolerate and subject his children to such regular spewing of hate for THAT long?
See Obama's Ties to Ayers, Rev. Wright & Kilpatrick
Takes only 1 minute to see this unbelievable U-tube
Obama ‘s favorite writer was Malcolm X!
Surprise #4. Obama did clearly have a Muslim past
I have nice muslim co-workers. I don’t despise people of a different religion. Obama has stated that he NEVER was a Muslim, and that he has become a Christian. What bothers me is why did he have to lie about his past? You gotta watch these 2 brief shocking videos where Farrakham of Nation of Islam and Kaddafi of
Racist Farrakham of Nation of Islam calling Obama”Messiah” ,”My brother”
Surprise #5. Sen. Obama really believes in Socialism, no kidding!
If someone put a gun to your head, and take your wallet, that’s theft, right? But if the government force businesses and the “rich” to “Spread the wealth around” by taking your money and give to the poor, it’s sacrifices, it’s legal, and patriotic. I don’t get it!
Have you ever worked for a poor person? Won’t such coercion force many businesses to lay off or ship the job abroad or just close its door? Greed destroys yourself in the long run! I recall in my college days that class envy/ warfare are Marxist teachings.
I bet you don’t know that in Dec. 07, Obama was a co-sponsor of the Global Poverty Act (S.2433) . He wants
Obama has said he wants to make the 12 million illegal here U.S. citizens ASAP, add health care…, do the math! I am convinced now that Obama HAS to RAISE TAXES to fund all his pet projects. Best economists say if you increase tax during such times, it will DRIVE US into a Depression! Remember
I bet you never heard from the media that in 96 Obama first ran for State senator in Illinois for the New Party in Chicago, a socialistic party, NP was established by the Democratic Socialists of America . Weatherman Underground later split from it.
Again, Google, “Obama and New Party” So much documentations here.
Guess what is the favorite slogan of socialists? “Change!” The fact that he voted in IL Senate to Ban all guns, and he was against homeowner’s right to defend his home with a gun worries me more. Radical changes are coming!
Surprise #6. Virtually every communist, socialist, radical groups here and numerous terrorist States/groups abroad all endorses Obama’s candidacy!
This frankly was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me.
They include racist Louis Farrakhan (Nation of Islam), Raila Odinga, communist leader in
You can not say the same of McCain, no matter what you think of him.
The fact is the above all want to CHANGE America into a Marxist Regime. Should I really be voting for such a man, perceived by enemies of
See link with pictures: you’ll in for a shock!
Shocking #7 Why did Obama refused to release 14 pertinent documents?
Why won’t he release his medical,
It bothers me when I found overwhelming evidence that one party is attempting to STEAL this election, by hook or by crook! I don’t care which party! The leftist ACRON has registered 1.2 million new voters this year, there are investigations in 15 States over its massive voter fraud, registering dead or fictitious people, even Mickey Mouse can vote in
In closing, I am a well educated professional, I came to the conclusion and I hate to admit it, much of my shock is due to the mainstream media. I just read the PEW poll which found 70% of the people think the media favors Obama, while only 9% for McCain. .
Obama cannot be a strong candidate, with the worst economic mess, armed with record war chest, outspending McCain 5 to 1, he should be running at least double digits!. Currently, he is about 3 points ahead.
This is still a very dangerous world, even Sen. Biden predicted Obama will be tested by foreign powers within n 6 months. I wonder on which side he will stand on? All his close buddies hate
I also am concerned that if he wins, for the first time, there’ll be no more checks and balance as one party controls all branches!
From my heart, I like to see a African American to be President, but the RIGHT kind of African American, Obama has too much heavy baggage from his hidden past,
No spin, no speculation
Do your own research rather than go with your media or friend’s spin!
Still not convinced? Watch this exceptional power point!
The following link has the best evidence you need
Forward this to 50 people to pass on to 50 people!
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A concerned citizen
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