Sunday, October 5, 2008

100-Plus Former Ambassadors Endorse McCain


Oct 5, 08

More than 100 former American ambassadors are endorsing John McCain and Sarah Palin for president and vice president.

To be announced by the McCain campaign later this week, the endorsements counter Barack Obama’s claims that McCain is inflexible when it comes to diplomacy and negotiations with other countries, Newsmax has learned.

Obama has specifically said that in contrast to McCain, he would sit down with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other world dictators to negotiate, without preconditions.

“Senator Obama does not have sufficient leadership experience, nor has he been tested in difficult times,” said Mark W. Erwin, a Democrat and former Hillary Clinton supporter who is a co-chairman of Former U.S. Ambassadors for McCain/Palin. Erwin was ambassador to the Republic of Mauritius.

Endorsing McCain are Howard Baker, who was ambassador to Japan; former President George H.W. Bush, who was ambassador to the United Nations; Frank C. Carlucci III, who was ambassador to Portugal; and Jim Nicholson, who was ambassador to the Vatican.

Others endorsing McCain are Bruce Gelb, former ambassador to Belgium; Margaret Heckler, who was ambassador to Ireland; John L. Loeb, Denmark; Ed Ney, Canada; and Julia Chang Bloch, Nepal.

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