We have known for a long time the Frank in Obama's book is Frank M Davis, whom I have read earlier was a pervert.
Enquirer: Obama Sex Perv Scandal (Obama's "Father Figure" is child sex deviant)
The National Enquirer ^ | 10/13/2008 | The Enquirer
Posted on Monday, October 13, 2008 6:43:51 PM by GOPGuide
The ENQUIRER exclusively reports a "sex pervert" was Sen. Barack Obama's longtime mentor and "father figure".
For seven years, the presidential candidate had a "father-son" relationship with Frank Marshall Davis, who has confessed to having sex with children, sadomasochism, bondage and practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities.
In his 1995 memoir Dreams from My Father, Obama identifies his childhood mentor only as "Frank," but Obama insiders later confirmed he was referring to Davis, a journalist and poet who was a pal of Obama's maternal grandfather, Stanley Dunham.
Frank Marshall Davis admitted in his private papers that he had secretly authored a hard-core pornographic autobiography called Sex Rebel: Black, published in 1968. The author of the book - a copy of which was been obtained by The ENQUIRER - is listed as "Bob Greene." Davis later confessed to its authorship after a reader noticed similarities in style and phraseology between that book and Davis' poetry.
Davis confessed: "I could not truthfully deny that this book, which came out in 1968 as a Greenleaf Classic, was mine."
The appalling catalog of admitted real-life decadence is laced with perverted sexual activity, bisexuality, rape - and the seduction of children.
"Davis' admission he wrote this disturbing book exposes Obama's mentor as living a secret double life - and as a sexual pervert," disclosed a source.
In his shocking tell-all, Davis admits to seducing a thirteen year-old girl, voyeurism, exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape and sadomasochism.
Barack, called "Barry" as a child, was a mere ten year old when he first met the family friend who lead a secret double life.
Obama's grandfather introduced Barry and Davis because he believed it would help his alienated grandson identify with being of mixed heritage because Barack's mother, Ann, was a white American while his father, Barack Sr.black Kenyan.
Obama's parents separated and then divorced when Barack was only 2. Ann remarried and took Barack to live with her and new husband Lolo Soetoro in Indonesia - but Barack was later sent to live with his white grandparents in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Barack describes how Frank Davis had a lasting effect on him and became a father figure over the seven years they knew one another on the tropical island.
In Dreams from My Father, Obama wrote: "He would read us poetry whenever we stopped by his house, sharing whiskey with Gramps out of an emptied jelly jar.
"As the night wore on, the two of them would solicit my help in composing dirty limericks."
Obama described being counseled by Frank often and recalled drinking whiskey with him.
Since Frank Davis has been identified as the author of Sex Rebel: Black, Obama has been extremely secretive about the true nature of his experience with the self-admitted deviant.
For all the details pick up The ENQUIRER - on sale now.
Wonkiness Ahoy!
5 years ago
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