Friday, October 3, 2008

Body Language Expert: Palin Won the Debate Hands Down


Find out why in a Momlogic exclusive interview.

sarah palin

Body language expert Dr. Lillian Glass analyzed last night's VP debate ... and says Sarah Palin was the clear winner.

Here's why, according to Dr. Glass:

• When Palin first got to the stage, she blew a kiss, which is typically unprofessional and certainly unpresidential. But at the same time, it's endearing and refreshing. It's something we haven't seen before.

• She looked right into the camera, really connecting with her audience. Biden kept looking away, and referring to the host, which was disconnecting.

Palin's folksy, and she knows it works ... so she's really playing it, milking it. It makes her likable to many people.

• The only time Palin faltered is when she was talking about Israel, a heavy issue. But she got right back on her feet.

• Palin's smile and winks are coquettish and charming. People respond to them because it's refreshing. We've seen the smug curmudgeonly faces for so long, it's a nice change.

Do you agree?

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