Sunday, September 14, 2008

Obama Did Vote to Teach Sex Ed (and Much More) to Kindergartners


Obama Did Vote to Teach Sex Ed (and Much More) to Kindergartners
Bottom Line Up Front ^ | September 14, 2008 | Amy Proctor

Posted on Sunday, September 14, 2008 11:52:03 AM by TenthAmendmentChampion

You’ve probably seen John McCain’s You Tube ad saying Barack Obama’s only legislative accomplishment on education was voting yea on teaching kindergarteners sex education.

The Obama campaign refutes the ad. They say the legislation taught kindergartners how to discern sexual predators.

Not true. The McCain ad is right. The curriculum Obama voted on using is called from SIECUS and which provides the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Kindergarten through 12th Grade.

This crap was originally intended for grades 6-12, but somebody changed it to read K-12. Level 1 starts at kindergarten!

Sean Hannity read some of the “gory details” of this “program” on his show the other day. It’s even worse and even more graphic than what is posted here. Hannity actually stopped himself because it was so graphic...but it’s supposed to be appropriate for little kids?

Let’s take a look at what Obama voted on teaching kindergartners through 3rd graders. Kindergarten is referred to as Level 1, or “middle childhood, ages 5 through 8; early elementary school”

Here is the course curriculum for kindergartners through 3rd grade:


Topic 2: Puberty

Level 1

• Bodies change as children grow older.

• Puberty is a time of physical and emotional change that happens as children become teenagers.

• People are able to have children only after they have reached puberty.

Topic 3: Reproduction

Level 1

• Men and women have reproductive organs that enable them to have a child.

• Men and women have specific cells in their bodies (sperm cells and egg cells) that enable them to reproduce.

• Reproduction requires that a sperm and egg join.

• Vaginal intercourse – when a penis is placed inside a vagina – is the most common way for a sperm and egg to join.

• When a woman is pregnant, the fetus grows inside her body in her uterus.

• A woman can be pregnant with more than one fetus at a time.

• Babies usually come out of a woman’s body through an opening called a vagina.

• Some babies are born by an operation called a Caesarian Section.

• A woman’s breasts can provide milk for a baby.

• Not all men and women have children.

• People who cannot have children may choose to adopt.

Topic 4: Body Image

Level 1

• Individual bodies are different sizes, shapes, and colors.

• All bodies are equally special, including those that are disabled.

• Differences make us unique.

• Good health habits, such as eating well and exercising, can improve the way a person feels about his or her body.

• Each person can be proud of his/her body.

Topic 5: Sexual Orientation Subconcept: As people grow and develop they may begin to feel romantically and/or sexually attracted to people of the same and/or a different gender.

Level 1

• Human beings can love people of the same gender and people of another gender.

• Some people are heterosexual, which means they can be attracted to and fall in love with someone of another gender.

• Some people are homosexual, which means they can be attracted to and fall in love with someone of the same gender.

• Homosexual men and women are also known as gay men and lesbians.

• People deserve respect regardless of who they are attracted to.

• Making fun of people by calling them gay (e.g. “homo,” “fag,” “queer”) is disrespectful and hurtful.

Topic 6: Gender Identity (begins at level 2)


Topic 1: Sexuality Throughout Life

Level 1

• Most children are curious about their bodies.

• Bodies can feel good when touched.

Topic 2: Masturbation

Level 1

• Touching and rubbing one’s own genitals to feel good is called masturbation.

• Some boys and girls masturbate and others do not.

• Masturbation should be done in a private place.

Topic 3: Shared Sexual Behavior Subconcept: Individuals express their sexuality with a partner in diverse ways.

Level 1

• People often kiss, hug, touch, and engage in other sexual behaviors with one another to show caring and to feel good.

Topic 5: Human Sexual Response Subconcept: Female and male bodies respond both similarly and differently to sexual stimulation.

Level 1

• Both girls and boys may discover that their bodies feel good when touched.

Topic 6: Sexual Fantasy (begins at level 3)


Topic 2: Contraception Subconcept: Contraception enables people to have sexual intercourse and avoid unintended pregnancy.

Level 1

• Some people have children and others do not.

• Each family can decide how many children to have, if any.

Topic 4: Abortion Subconcept: When a woman becomes pregnant and chooses not to have a child, she has the option of having an abortion.

Level 1

• Sometimes women become pregnant when they do not want to be or are unable to care for a child.

Topic 5: Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Level 1

• Sexually transmitted diseases are caused by germs such as bacteria and viruses.

• There are many types of sexually transmitted diseases.

• People who do not engage in certain behaviors do not get STDs.

• A small number of children are born with STDs that they get from their mothers during pregnancy or birth.

• The most common ways for a person to get an STD is to participate in sexual behavior or share a needle with another person who is already infected with an STD.

• Children who find needles on the ground should not touch them and should tell an adult. SOCIETY AND CULTURE

Topic 2: Gender Roles

Level 1

• Girls and boys have many similarities and a few differences.

• Some people may expect or demand that boys and girls behave in certain ways, but this is beginning to change.

• Both women and men can be involved and caring parents.

• Boys and girls can do the same chores at home.

• Men and women are capable of doing almost all the same jobs.

• Some men and women may be told that certain jobs and tasks are only for women or only for men, but this is beginning to change.

Topic 4: Sexuality and Religion

Level 1

• Some families go to a church, mosque, or synagogue to worship; some families do not.

• Religions teach people how to love each other, how to behave, and what is right and wrong.

• Different religions may promote similar or different values.

Topic 5: Diversity Subconcept: Our society has a diversity of sexual attitudes and behaviors; some people are unfairly discriminated against because of the way they express their sexuality.

Level 1

• Individuals differ in the way they think, act, look, and live.

• Talking about differences helps people understand each other better.

• The belief that all members of a group will behave the same way is called a stereotype.

• Stereotypes can hurt people.

• All people should receive fair and equal treatment.

• People who are different are often treated negatively or unequally, which is unfair.

Now please, tell me that Barack Obama doesn’t want to teach sex ed to kindergartners. You don’t want to know what the program teaches high school kids.

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