Thursday, September 18, 2008

Who is lying on Frank Raines as being adviser to Obama? Facts here


McCain's ad says that Franklin Raines, the disgraced former head of Fannie Mae, has been giving Obama "advice on mortgage and housing policy"

The Obama campaign has now sent out this statement from Raines:

"I am not an advisor to Barack Obama, nor have I provided his campaign with advice on housing or economic matters."

And Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton goes on to say:

"This is another flat-out lie from a dishonorable campaign that is increasingly incapable of telling the truth. Frank Raines has never advised Senator Obama about anything -- ever."

But it contradict this Washington Post profile of Raines from July (cited by the McCain campaign in the ad) which reported that Raines has taken calls from Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters.

"On July 16, 2008, The Washington Post reported that Franklin Raines had "taken calls from Barack Obama's presidential campaign seeking his advice on mortgage and housing policy matters." [7]. Also, in an editorial in August 27, 2008 titled "Tough Decision Coming", the Washington Post editorial staff claimed that "Two members of Mr. Obama's political circle, James A. Johnson and Franklin D. Raines, are former chief executives of Fannie Mae."

There is also a cache Wikipedia Raines bio that states the connection.

There is a pattern you can see in Obama. He also denies relationships with Ayers and Rev. Wright but the documentation is out there to prove that Obama is the one who is lying.

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